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Ab initio Calculations Using Q-Espresso Code

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Generate k-point path (in functional experimental value)


Brillouin zone

1 = cubic P (sc ) 2 = cubic F (fcc)
3 = cubic I (bcc) 4 = hex & trigonal P
5 = trigonal r 6 = tetrag p (st )
7 = tetrag i (bct) 8 = orthor p (so )
9 = orthor base-cent. 10 = orthor face-cent.
11 = orthor body-cent. 12 = monoclinic p
13 = monocl base-cent. 14 = triclinic p

2-dimensional (surface) Brillouin zone

21 = square P 22 = hexagonal P 23 = rectangular P 24 = centred rectangular 25 = oblique P

W. Setyawan and S. Curtarolo, Comp. Mat. Sci. 49, 299 (2010).

Bravais type (1-12, 21-25): (* required)  
instruction :pw.x input needs to be matched    ibrav!=0  use,13、14 Letters are not supported to represent k pointsThe number of points taken is fixed as 30。2D input 21~25 correspond respectively  ibrav=6,4,8,9,12。
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