For diatomic molecules, the binding energy is equal to the dissociation energy of the molecule.
The total energy of Cl2 at the equilibrium bond length can be used to calculate the dissociation energy of this molecule (How to calculate the Equilibrium Structure of a diatomic molecule).
The dissociation energy is defined as the difference Ediss = ECl2 − 2ECl, with ECl the total energy of an isolated Cl atom.
In order to evaluate this quantity we first calculate ECl2 using the equilibrium bond length determined in the previous section. For this we modify the input file as follows:
Cl 0.00 0.00 0.00
Cl 3.725 0.00 0.00
calculation = 'scf'
prefix = 'Cl2',
pseudo_dir = './',
outdir = './'
ibrav = 1,
celldm(1) = 20.0,
nat = 2,
ntyp = 1,
ecutwfc = 100,
conv_thr = 1.0d-8
Cl 1.0 Cl.pz-bhs.UPF
Cl 0.00 0.00 0.00
Cl 3.725 0.00 0.00
K_POINTS gamma
The first step is to find a suitable pseudopotential for Cl. We go to and look for Cl. We recognize LDA psedupotential by the label pz in the filename. Let us go for the following:
$ wget
$ mpirun -np 4 pw.x -i |tee cl.out
A calculation with this modified input file yields the total energy:
grep "\!" cl2.out
! total energy = -59.99059544 Ry
Now we consider the isolated Cl atom. The only complication in this case is that the outermost (3p) electronic shell of Cl has one unpaired electron: ↑↓ ↑↓ ↑ . In order to take this into account we can perform a spin-polarized calculation using the following modification of the previous input file:
calculation = 'scf'
prefix = 'Cl2',
pseudo_dir = './',
outdir = './'
ibrav = 1,
celldm(1) = 20.0,
nat = 1,
ntyp = 1,
ecutwfc = 100,
nspin = 2,
tot_magnetization = 1.0,
occupations = 'smearing',
degauss = 0.001,
conv_thr = 1.0d-8
Cl 1.0 Cl.pz-bhs.UPF
Cl 0.00 0.00 0.00
K_POINTS gamma
$ mpirun -np 4 pw.x -i |tee cl.out
A calculation with this modified input file yields the total energy:
grep "\!" cl.out
! total energy = -29.86386108 Ry
By combining the last two results we find
Ediss = 0.262873 Ry = 3.58 eV
This result should be compared to the experimental value of 2.51 eV from We can see that DFT/LDA overestimates the dissociation energy of Cl2 by about 1 eV: interatomic bonding is slightly too strong in LDA.