We need 2 files
algerien1970@linux-wipm:~/abinitio/QE-tutorials/Si_eos> ls
run_si_eos Si.pz-vbc.UPF
Script run_si_eos
# reminder: from now on, what follows the character # is a comment
# define the following variables according to your needs
# the following is not actually used:
# espresso_dir=top_directory_of_espresso_package
rm -f si.eos.out si.etot_vs_alat
touch si.etot_vs_alat
for alat in 9.8 9.9 10.0 10.1 10.2 10.3 10.4 10.5 10.6 10.7 ; do
# self-consistent calculation
cat > si.eos.in << EOF
pseudo_dir = '$pseudo_dir/',
ibrav= 2, celldm(1) =$alat, nat= 2, ntyp= 1,
ecutwfc = 20.0,
Si 28.086 Si.pz-vbc.UPF
Si 0.00 0.00 0.00
Si 0.25 0.25 0.25
K_POINTS automatic
4 4 4 1 1 1
# If pw.x is not found, specify the correct value for $espresso_dir,
# use $espresso_dir/bin/pw.x instead of pw.x
pw.x < si.eos.in |tee si.eos.out
grep -e 'lattice parameter' -e ! si.eos.out | \
awk '/lattice/{alat=$(NF-1)}/!/{print alat, $(NF-1)}' >> si.etot_vs_alat
Pseudopotential Si.pz-vbc.UPF
You can download the file using the following command
$ wget https://www.quantum-espresso.org/upf_files/Si.pz-vbc.UPF --no-check-certificate
algerien1970@linux-wipm:~/abinitio/QE-tutorials/Si_eos> chmod +x run_si_eos
algerien1970@linux-wipm:~/abinitio/QE-tutorials/Si_eos> ./run_si_eos
We get the following file si.etot_vs_alat
algerien1970@linux-wipm:~/abinitio/QE-tutorials/Si_eos> ls
OUT_EOS run_si_eos si.eos.in si.eos.out si.etot_vs_alat Si.pz-vbc.UPF
9.8000 -15.83345937
9.9000 -15.83971334
10.0000 -15.84397984
10.1000 -15.84661822
10.2000 -15.84754590
10.3000 -15.84700488
10.4000 -15.84512699
10.5000 -15.84209101
10.6000 -15.83789204
10.7000 -15.83273079
You can plot file si.etot_vs_alat using your preferred plotting program, for instance:
$ gnuplot
gnuplot > plot "si.etot_vs_alat" using 1:2 with lines
The experimental lattice parameter for Si is 5.47 Å, or 10.26 a.u.: this is a case where plain simple LDA yields remarkable results You may experiment changing cutoff, k-points, pseudopotential, ... You should find that
• The energy vs lattice parameter E(a) curves are shifted down rather uniformly with increasing cutoff and are not strongly dependent on k-points.
• Structural properties and energy differences converge faster that total energies.
Use code ev.x to fit your results to a phenomenological EOS (e.g. Murnaghan) and to get accurate values for the lattice parameter and for the bulk modulus. The code prompts for some data, reads a file like si.etot vs alat: for cubic systems, rows ai E(ai )
ev.x :
Run interatively. It reads a file containing 2 columns: lattice parameter and
corresponding total energy, it gives in output optimized lattice parameter,
bulk modulus and more.
Contributions by Eyvaz Isaev
Running code ev.x
algerien1970@linux-wipm:~/abinitio/QE-tutorials/Si_eos> ev.x
Lattice parameter or Volume are in (au, Ang) > au
Enter type of bravais lattice (fcc, bcc, sc, noncubic) > fcc
Enter type of equation of state :
1=birch1, 2=birch2, 3=keane, 4=murnaghan > 4
Input file > si.etot_vs_alat
Minimization succeeded
Output file > si.lattice_out
The content of the file si.lattice_out
# equation of state: murnaghan. chisq = 0.7026D-09
# a0 = 10.2129 a.u., k0 = 921 kbar, dk0 = 4.20 d2k0 = 0.000 emin = -15.84753
# a0 = 5.40445 Ang, k0 = 92.1 GPa, V0 = 266.31 (a.u.)^3, V0 = 39.46 A^3
# Lat.Par E_calc E_fit E_diff Pressure Enthalpy
# a.u. Ry Ry Ry GPa Ry
9.80000 -15.83346 -15.83345 -0.00001 14.96 -15.59421
9.90000 -15.83971 -15.83972 0.00001 10.53 -15.66610
10.00000 -15.84398 -15.84403 0.00005 6.67 -15.73066
10.10000 -15.84662 -15.84658 -0.00004 3.30 -15.78887
10.20000 -15.84755 -15.84752 -0.00003 0.35 -15.84118
10.30000 -15.84700 -15.84700 -0.00001 -2.22 -15.88832
10.40000 -15.84513 -15.84515 0.00002 -4.48 -15.93085
10.50000 -15.84209 -15.84209 -0.00000 -6.47 -15.96931
10.60000 -15.83789 -15.83791 0.00002 -8.21 -16.00403
10.70000 -15.83273 -15.83271 -0.00002 -9.74 -16.03550
Reference: Using PWscf: basics (write-up, exercises, March 2018)